Monday, June 12, 2006

Quartzsite Genealogy Interest Group Class

The Quartzsite Genealogy Interest Group “QGIG” is having their 1st class on June 15 on digitizing photos & documents. See for what we will be covering.

Hopefully we can come to a decision when we can meet once a month probably at the Quartzsite Library. I talked to the Librarian and they are talking wireless broadband in the meeting room so that would be a great place to meet but it is open only till 7:00 PM on weekdays, if evenings work better for others maybe we can find another place to meet. Everyone welcome no matter his or her knowledge or software.


Anonymous said...

LDS Church on South Riggles has a Family History Center (genealogy). It's free and has computer access to worldwide genealogy data.

Dennis said...

Yes I like that FHC. The volunteers there are pretty good about letting people comfortable there.